
Why is it imperative you see a chronic back pain specialist? Why is it imperative you see a chronic back pain specialist?

If you have chronic back pain, it's imperative you see a chronic back pain specialist, not a therapist who focuses on acute back pain. Learn why...

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If lower back pain is just a symptom, then what is the true underlying cause? If lower back pain is just a symptom, then what is the true underlying cause?

If the patient has an anteriorly tilted pelvis, due to compensatory reasons they will naturally have an excessive lumbar lordotic curve.

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Why does my back keep getting inflamed Why does my back keep getting inflamed

Inflammation is a natural process of healing damaged tissues in and throughout your body. If your back is constantly getting inflamed, then there is an underlying factor at play that is causing continuous or repetitive damage to your lower back.

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Muscular weakness can be the cause of back pain Muscular weakness can be the cause of back pain

Did you know muscular weakness is one of the most overlooked factors in the diagnosis of lasting back pain? Overuse for one with a strong back, may result in a short-term spasm or pain, however after treatment or a few days’ rest, the back will settle and return to most likely a pain free state.

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Chronic Back Pain can be curable Chronic Back Pain can be curable

Despite what any specialist or practitioner has told you, a large percentage of chronic back pain can be curable.

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A large percentage of back pain can be misdiagnosed A large percentage of back pain can be misdiagnosed

In the United States the majority of back pain complaints are diagnosed as pain being caused by wear and tear shown on X-rays, CT scans and MRI’s. Up to 40% of adults have a herniated disc, many of which show no signs of pain, nor discomfort. 70% of adults have degenerated discs, once again without any pain.

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